lovbuy taobao/tmall/1688 API

Login lovbuy.com and get API key in User center->My account(top right)->API

The API in this document is not free. Will charge 100 requests = 5 cny

You can test 100 requests first for new account and pay later.

2020-12-11 updated, Get products from store API, seller_name reference must use sid, not Seller nick name and not store name

2023-11-07 updated, Add 1688 API version 2.0

Taobao/Tmall API /Get a product info

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/taobaoapi/getproductinfo.php
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/taobaoapi/getproductinfo.php?key=*&item_id=*&lang=*
Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
item_id (Required. The product ID of taobao product, for example:item_id is 567101167363 in this taobao product URL --https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.999.16.5bb9523cKFfufi&id=567101167363&ns=1#detail)
lang (Optional. Default is "en", "cn"--Chinese, "ru"--Russian... )
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This API is not very stable. There is a small chance that will fail to get the info. It's important to check the result success or not in programming
Success return example
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get

Taobao/Tmall API /Get products from store

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/taobaoapi/getstoreproduct.php
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/taobaoapi/getstoreproduct.php?key=*&lang=*&seller_name=*&page=*&start_price=*&end_price=*&key_word=*&catalog_id=*
Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
seller_name (Required. sid , You can find sid(seller id) by get a product info API ->item->seller_info->sid)
page (Required. 0,1,2,3... Result usually have more than 1 page. So this reference tell us which page result you need to feedback )
lang (Optional. Default is "en", "cn"--Chinese, "ru"--Russian... )
start_price (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
end_price (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
key_word (Optional. Search by this key word which can fiter the products)
catalog_id (Optional. Catalog id which can fiter the products)
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This API is not very stable. There is a small chance that will fail to get the info. It's important to check the result success or not in programming
Success return example
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get

Taobao/Tmall API /Search products by keyword

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/taobaoapi/searchproduct.php
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/taobaoapi/searchproduct.php?key=*&lang=*&page=*&start_price=*&end_price=*&key_word=*&catalog_id=*
Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
page (Required. 0,1,2,3... Result usually have more than 1 page. So this reference tell us which page result you need to feedback )
key_word (Required. )
lang (Optional. Default is "en", "cn"--Chinese, "ru"--Russian... )
start_price (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
end_price (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
key_word (Optional. Search by this key word which can fiter the products)
catalog_id (Optional. Catalog id which can fiter the products)
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This API is not very stable. There is a small chance that will fail to get the info. It's important to check the result success or not in programming
Success return example
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get

Taobao/Tmall API /Search keyword suggestion

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/taobaoapi/keywordsuggest.php
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/taobaoapi/keywordsuggest.php?key=*&key_word=*
Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
key_word (Required)
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This API is not very stable. There is a small chance that will fail to get the info. It's important to check the result success or not in programming
Success return example
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get

1688 API /Get a product info V.2

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/getproductinfo2.php
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/getproductinfo2.php?key=*&item_id=*&lang=*
Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
item_id (Required. The product ID of 1688 product, for example:item_id is 553645344170 in this 1688 product URL --https://detail.1688.com/offer/553645344170.html?spm=b26110380.sw1688.mof001.22.102a12abrwE91b)
lang (Optional. Default is "en", Now only support "en", maybe will support more in future )
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This V.2 API which is more stable than V.1 API. Suggest use V.2 instead of V.1 if possible
Success return example
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get

1688 API /Search products by keyword V.2

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/searchproduct2.php
Method POST
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/searchproduct2.php

Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
beginPage (Required. 1,2,3... Result usually have more than 1 page. So this reference tell us which page result you need to feedback )
pageSize (Required. The product amount in one page. MAX 50 products in one page)
keyword (Required. )
language (Optional. Default is "en", only support "en" now. Maybe support more in future)
priceStart (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
priceEnd (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
categoryId (Optional. Catalog id which can fiter the products)
sort (Optional. So far suppport 3 data: {"price":"asc"},{"rePurchaseRate":"desc"},{"monthSold":"asc"} . "asc" is Ascend , "desc" is Descend )
filter (Optional. see below text area )
5 stars : totalEpScoreLv1
4.5-5.0 stars : totalEpScoreLv2
4-4.5 stars : totalEpScoreLv3
< 4 stars : totalEpScoreLv4

Certified Factory:

24-hour shipment rate:
<95% : getRate24HLv1
>=95% : getRate24HLv2
>=99% : getRate24HLv3

48-hour shipment rate:
<95% : getRate48HLv1
>=95% : getRate48HLv2
>=99% : getRate48HLv3

Service Guarantee:
ship In Today : shipInToday
ship In 24 Hours : shipIn24Hours
ship In 48 Hours : shipIn48Hours
no Reason 7 days Return : noReason7DReturn
Support MOQ 1 pcs : isOnePsale
Support MOQ 1 pcs and free shipping: isOnePsaleFreePost
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This V.2 API which is more stable than V.1 API. Suggest use V.2 instead of V.1 if possible
Success return example
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get

1688 API /Search products by image V.2

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/searchimg2.php
Method POST
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/searchimg2.php

Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
beginPage (Required. 1,2,3... Result usually have more than 1 page. So this reference tell us which page result you need to feedback )
pageSize (Required. The product amount in one page. MAX 50 products in one page)
imageId (Required. The imageID can be got from another API that by uploading an image)
keyword (Optional. The keyword will fiter the result again that after search by image)
language (Optional. Default is "en", only support "en" now. Maybe support more in future)
priceStart (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
priceEnd (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
categoryId (Optional. Catalog id which can fiter the products)
sort (Optional. So far suppport 3 data: {"price":"asc"},{"rePurchaseRate":"desc"},{"monthSold":"asc"} . "asc" is Ascend , "desc" is Descend )
filter (Optional. see below text area )
5 stars : totalEpScoreLv1
4.5-5.0 stars : totalEpScoreLv2
4-4.5 stars : totalEpScoreLv3
< 4 stars : totalEpScoreLv4

Certified Factory:

24-hour shipment rate:
<95% : getRate24HLv1
>=95% : getRate24HLv2
>=99% : getRate24HLv3

48-hour shipment rate:
<95% : getRate48HLv1
>=95% : getRate48HLv2
>=99% : getRate48HLv3

Service Guarantee:
ship In Today : shipInToday
ship In 24 Hours : shipIn24Hours
ship In 48 Hours : shipIn48Hours
no Reason 7 days Return : noReason7DReturn
Support MOQ 1 pcs : isOnePsale
Support MOQ 1 pcs and free shipping: isOnePsaleFreePost
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This V.2 API which is more stable than V.1 API. Suggest use V.2 instead of V.1 if possible
Success return example
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get

1688 API /Upload image - get imageId V.2

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/uploadimg2.php
Method POST
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/uploadimg2.php

Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
data (Required. Suggest image size <100KB , image data after base64 encode, Be careful do not inlcude 【data:image/jpeg;base64,】 at the beginning Or it will be fail)
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This V.2 API which is more stable than V.1 API. Suggest use V.2 instead of V.1 if possible
Success return example {"result":{"success":"true","code":"200","result":"1815007872870080334"}} 1815007872870080334 is the imageId
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get
{"result":{"success":"true","code":"200","result":"0"}} -- Usually the reason is: base64 image data with【data:image/jpeg;base64,】at the beginning

1688 API /Get a product info V.1

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/getproductinfo.php
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/getproductinfo.php?key=*&item_id=*&lang=*
Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
item_id (Required. The product ID of 1688 product, for example:item_id is 553645344170 in this 1688 product URL --https://detail.1688.com/offer/553645344170.html?spm=b26110380.sw1688.mof001.22.102a12abrwE91b)
lang (Optional. Default is "en", "cn"--Chinese, "ru"--Russian... )
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This API is not very stable. There is a small chance that will fail to get the info. It's important to check the result success or not in programming
Success return example
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get

1688 API /Get products from store V.1

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/getstoreproduct.php
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/getstoreproduct.php?key=*&lang=*&seller_name=*&page=*&start_price=*&end_price=*&key_word=*&catalog_id=*
Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
seller_name (Required. sid , You can find sid(seller id) by get a product info API ->item->seller_info->sid)
page (Required. 0,1,2,3... Result usually have more than 1 page. So this reference tell us which page result you need to feedback )
lang (Optional. Default is "en", "cn"--Chinese, "ru"--Russian... )
start_price (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
end_price (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
key_word (Optional. Search by this key word which can fiter the products)
catalog_id (Optional. Catalog id which can fiter the products)
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This API is not very stable. There is a small chance that will fail to get the info. It's important to check the result success or not in programming
Success return example
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get

1688 API /Search products by keyword V.1

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/searchproduct.php
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/searchproduct.php?key=*&lang=*&page=*&start_price=*&end_price=*&key_word=*&catalog_id=*
Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
page (Required. 0,1,2,3... Result usually have more than 1 page. So this reference tell us which page result you need to feedback )
key_word (Required. )
lang (Optional. Default is "en", "cn"--Chinese, "ru"--Russian... )
start_price (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
end_price (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
key_word (Optional. Search by this key word which can fiter the products)
catalog_id (Optional. Catalog id which can fiter the products)
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This API is not very stable. There is a small chance that will fail to get the info. It's important to check the result success or not in programming
Success return example
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get

1688 API /Search keyword suggestion V.1

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/keywordsuggest.php
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/1688api/keywordsuggest.php?key=*&key_word=*
Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
key_word (Required)
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This API is not very stable. There is a small chance that will fail to get the info. It's important to check the result success or not in programming
Success return example
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get

Aliexpress API /Get a product info

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/aliexpressapi/getproductinfo.php
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/aliexpressapi/getproductinfo.php?key=*&item_id=*
Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
item_id (Required. The product ID of taobao product, for example:item_id is 32988018364 in this taobao product URL --https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Sandals-Women-Wedges-Shoes-Pumps-High-Heels-Sandals-Summer-2019-Flip-Flop-Chaussures-Femme-Platform-Sandals/32988018364.html)
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This API is not very stable. There is a small chance that will fail to get the info. It's important to check the result success or not in programming
Success return example
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get

aliexpress API /Search products by keyword

URL https://www.lovbuy.com/aliexpressapi/searchproduct.php
Request example https://www.lovbuy.com/aliexpressapi/searchproduct.php?key=*&page=*&start_price=*&end_price=*&key_word=*&catalog_id=*
Request parameter
key (Required. The API key you can get in user center)
page (Required. 0,1,2,3... Result usually have more than 1 page. So this reference tell us which page result you need to feedback )
key_word (Required. )
start_price (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
end_price (Optional. The price range which can fiter the products)
key_word (Optional. Search by this key word which can fiter the products)
catalog_id (Optional. Catalog id which can fiter the products)
Note This API is not free. We will charge 5CNY for 100 times request. Require your account balance >=5 CNY to use this API.
This API is not very stable. There is a small chance that will fail to get the info. It's important to check the result success or not in programming
Success return example
Fail return example {"status":500} -- Other error
{"status":501} -- API key is not correct
{"status":505} -- Miss required parameter
{"status":510} -- Balance is not enough. Make sure your account balance >=5 CNY
{"status":544} -- Fail to get